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    ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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    Art Hall 2

    Art Hall 2 is a space that can present creative ideas while communicating professional contents by differentiating itself from the existing conference or convention space that has time and space restrictions.

    Space Area (m’) Height (m) Uses
    Art Hall 2 1,547 10.1 ~ 13.8 Multi-purpose events, conferences, etc.
    Exhibitions/Events held at Art Hall 2
    #Sculpture in motion: Aesthetics of movement    ##2016 NOROO Color Trend Show     #Lee Young Hee's Baram Baraem    #2015 ICLEI World Congress l
    #2015 F/W Seoul Fashion Week    #Cable TV 20 years of happiness sharing broadcast festival    #Audrey Hepburn Exhibition, Beauty Beyond Beauty     #SDF Seoul Digital Forum
