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    ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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    DDP Membership Program (Renewal)
    2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31
    Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) Design Lab 2FL
    Operation time
    Admission Fee
    a year KRW 35,000
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    DDP Membership Program (Renewal) Guide

    DDP Membership, with which creative inspiration and special insights are formed in your daily life, is back. DDP membership transcends simple membership and embraces members who share and exchange various insights and forms of inspiration at DDP exhibitions and events..


    DDP membership provides newer and richer benefits and programs for you to communicate and connect with fellow members in daily life to form inspiration. You can check exhibition and program information on the DDP Membership website to experience various insights, spanning benefits linked to DDP exhibitions and events to beneficial programs provided by DDP membership.


    You can receive a membership card with a new emblem of DDP membership and a special sign-up gift directly from DDP after signing up for membership and paying a fee. Membership sign-up is only possible online on the DDP Membership website. After signing up and paying a fee, you can visit DDP to register your membership information on your card and use the benefits as you want.


    With DDP membership, we await you to bring and find new inspiration every day. For more information, please visit the DDP Membership website!


    게시요청자: 전시2팀 오진실 선임

