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    ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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    Welcome to DDP

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    조직도 검색결과 테이블
    Duties and Responsibilities Team Tel.
    Operation of DDP special exhibitions, collaboration
    exhibitions & exhibition halls
    Exhibition Team 1 02-2153-0061
    Operation of DDP citizen participatory cultural
    events & Seoul Light
    Exhibition Team 2 02-2153-0081
    DDP rental inquiry Marketing Team 1833-4321
    DDP lease inquiry Facility Operation Team 02-2153-0028
    DDP membership inquiry Marketing Team 02-2153-0271
    DDP Building tour inquiry Exhibition Team 2 02-2153-0310 ~ 0311
    DDP Design store inquiry Design Brand Team 02-2153-0225
    MOU with domestic and overseas agencies International Cooperation Team 02-2096-0130
    Inquiry regarding design playground Diki Diki Diki Diki Operation Agency 02-6918-2523
    Inquiry regarding DDP security control, facility DDP central situation room 02-2153-0119
    Use guide & customer inquiry DDP general information room 02-2153-0000

    ※ Check the organization chart and contact by project via the homepage of the Seoul Design Foundation.
    > Go to the contact information of the Seoul Design Foundation (Link: https://seouldesign.or.kr/?menuno=8 )
