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    <Seoul Light DDP 2023 Autumn>
    2023-08-31 ~ 2023-09-10
    222m Entire surface of the outer wall of the west side of DDP
    Operation time
    8PM - 10PM
    Admission Fee
    Free of charge
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    Seoul Light DDP 2023 Autumn
    “Digital Nature”

    "Witness a fresh, artistic approach to Mother Nature through digital technology"
    Seoul Light DDP 2023 will now be held twice a year!

    The global pandemic and climate change have brought about enormous change in our lives. We have become accustomed to seeing alternative versions of nature at home and work. We now experience these alternative forms of nature through devices equipped with video systems, like TVs and smartphones, which satisfy our desire for real nature. VR devices have enabled us to realize immersive experiences in nature in a virtual world, which was only possible in the real world in the past.


    Seoul Light DDP 2023
    started from the question,
    "Can real nature that has existed since the beginning of time
    coexist with technological nature created by humans?"


    We seek to discover the "sense of coexistence"
    that allows humans and nature to interchange and coexist, rather than unilaterally controlling and dominating nature.
    Visit and experience a new form of nature reinvented by lights (projections) that exists before anything else in the world materialized by science and technology. Experience not only a sense of
    coexistence but also the concept of biophilia.


    [About the Artists and their Works]

    ● Miguel Chevalier <Meta-Nature AI>
    Thursday Aug 31 – Sunday Sep 10, 2023,
    20:00 / 21:00 / 22:00
    * 9.1~9.2 does not operate 20:00
    222 meters from the west of DDP


    "A world-renowned master of digital art who has explored nature all his life"
    Miguel Chevalier is a globally renowned artist acclaimed as a pioneer in virtual and digital art.
    Since 1978, Miguel Chevalier has focused exclusively on computers as an artistic means of expression. From the 1980s, he delved into the study of traditional artworks through digital technology, creating and experimenting with new visual languages.
    His consistent artistic endeavors have earned him recognition as well as the prestigious “Chevalier des arts et des lettres” from the French Ministry of Culture.

    Chevalier’s works predominantly explore the realm of “nature.” He poetically and metaphorically approaches the process of coexistence and enrichment between nature and artificial elements in the modern days. With a research process that began in the late 1990s, he combines observations of the plant world with the imaginative power of digital technology to create new virtual gardens.

    Moreover, Miguel Chevalier has undertaken various projects on a global stage. He implements digital art to realize the architecture and history of specific locations, installing them on-site or using robots to create paintings. He has also created a series of sculptures using 3D printing and laser technology to physically manifest virtual worlds.

    Miguel Chevalier's artistic realm continues to evolve, offering us a rich visual experience and providing profound insights into the numerous relationships of the modern era.


    ‘Meta-Nature AI’


    "Meta-Nature AI" is Chevalier's latest work inspired by 'Digital Nature,' which was the theme of Seoul Light DDP 2023. "Meta-Nature AI" investigates how real nature and technological nature can coexist in a poetic and metaphorical approach to show the relationship between these two realms.
    Based on the process he began at the end of 1990s, "A Virtual Garden," a part of "Meta-Nature AI," is a space created as a result of studying the real world of plants.
    This work was created in the process of transforming his imaginative concepts into the digital world. The virtual garden is made by mixing attributes of a database of a variety of trees, leaves, and flowers with AI generated images. The garden beautifully illustrates a wide array of artificial lives that bloom and fall as different seasons come and go.
    Observe the digital art garden in rich, bright colors by Miguel Chevalier and develop a sense of coexistence of real nature and technological nature.


    ● Kia Global Design Center

    Media Facade <Opposites United – Internal Journey of Communication>
    Thursday Aug 31 – Sunday Sep 10, 2023, 20:30 / 21:30
    222 meters from the west of DDP

    Performance Event <Opposites United – Kia Design Cultural Communication : Romancing Gemstones>
    Friday Sep 1 18:00 ~ 20:00
    Saturday Sep 2 17:30 ~ 20:00
    Under the Miraero Bridge of DDP Eoullim Plaza


    Last year at <Seoul Light DDP 2022>, Kia Global Design Center presented the design philosophy of “Opposites United.”

    This year, embracing the inspiration and memories gathered by communicating with numerous visitors worldwide, Kia presents "Opposites United – Internal Journey of Communication" to communicate anew with visitors.
    Over the past three years, Kia Design has engaged in various forms of art exhibitions and events. These initiatives have served as platforms for expressing design philosophy and promises to the public in different ways both domestically and abroad.
    Kia considered each visit as an individual channel of communication. The countless grateful memories engraved deeply in our hearts allowed us to evoke diverse inspirations and dreams.
    These precious moments provided a thankful opportunity to ponder ideas from various perspectives.
    However, a small sense of doubt arose within. We closed our eyes and paused for a moment of reflection.
    We questioned whether communicating with our audiences through Kia Design's created language was truly an authentic way to connect.
    So, we opened the eyes of our hearts once more, retracing our origins of communication and promises from the very beginning. We have committed to embarking on a journey to become a more genuine “companion” by finding a way to uphold that promise.

    This journey is about bringing happiness to everyone, making continuous efforts, and ultimately becoming a reassuring companion who stays by your side without imposition in all aspects.
    The artworks of this <Seoul Light DDP 2023 Autumn> were created to share the stories from deep within our hearts.


    ● Dan Acher x
    <Borealis at DDP>
    2023. 8. 31. ~ 2023. 9. 10. 19:30~23:00
    Grass Hill DDP


    “An internationally acclaimed artist presenting northern lights (aurora) through lasers as an art installation”

    Dan Acher refers to himself as an ‘artivist’ connecting people, climate, technology and environmental issues. He is well known for creating the Happy City Lab as a means to combine social issues with art to communicate interactively with the public. Art is a part of his social movement. Acher uses technology to connect people through art and to awaken them on climate changes and environmental concerns.

    He uses the city as a canvas to create events and situations that generate powerful experiences for people.

    What is society, and what is the sense of belonging?

    Dan Acher has posed this question on to himself for a long time and in search of an answer he has traveled to different countries. The city has become his working space and his projects are about making changes on the environment and society. Acher has been invited to many cities around Europe to confront different communal issues and through the Happy City Lab projects he has sought out for improvements.

    Dan Acher has been inspired by nature to create the Northern Lights, Borealis. The work is a convergence of technology and nature. Acher uses technology of the 21st century to re-create nature as closely as possible. The work is symbolic for aurora and it is presented together with sound. An experience is created through art.


    * Dan Acher’s Borealis is a part of LG OLED art project. (www.lgoledart.com)


    [Audio Guide]

    Listen to the audio guide for more detailed explanations of works


    [Related Events]

    ● DDP FORUM VOL. 35
    Friday Sep 1, 2023, 4PM - 6PM
    Design Hall, 3rd floor, DDP Design Lab

    • - Speakers: Miguel Chevalier and Dan Acher
    • - Moderator: Curator Dae Hyung Lee
    • - Topic: Digital Nature

    게시요청자 : 전시2팀 이하림 선임

