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    ddp is operated by the Seoul Design Foundation.

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    DDP Architecture Tour
    2024-01-01 ~ 2024-12-31
    Tour desk on the 1st floor of Museum.
    Operation time
    Tue.~Sun. 10:30(Korean), 13:30(English),15:30(Korean)
    ※ Closed on Mon., New Year's Day, the VERY DAY of Seollal and Chuseok holidays
    Admission Fee
    In case a cancellation on the day or no-show occurs, there can be disadvantages in future reservations.
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    DDP Architecture Tour


    DDP architecture tour is a tour program guided by an interpreter.
    We recommend making prior reservations for smooth operation.
    Visitors who want an onsite participation may inquire with the tour desk on the 1st floor of DDP Museum.

    Flow of tour
    ① Museum 1F ▸ ② Oullim Square ▸ ③ Cave Stairway ▸ ④ Art Hall ▸ ⑤ Yigansumun, Seoul City Wall ▸ ⑥ Aluminium panel (in front of D3) ▸ ⑦ D-Soop ▸ ⑧ Grass Hill ▸ ⑨ Formative Stairs ▸ ⑩ Design Pathway ▸ ⑪ Miraero Bridge

    ※ Tour route and contents can be changed without notice due to weather conditions, events, construction, etc.

    ※ Tour route covers the inside and outside of DDP, and Dongdaemun History&Culture Park.

    Operation hours Tue.~Sun. 10:30(Korean), 13:30(English), 15:30(Korean)

    ※ Closed on Mon., New Year's Day, and the VERY DAY of Seollal and Chuseok holidays.

    Viewing fee Free
    Interpretation Languages Korean, English
    Participation method Prior reservation [Private Reservation]
    [Group application]
    ※ Make a telephone inquiry in the case of foreign languages (English)

    (If you have any difficulty to book this program by Naver, please contact :
    Phone number: 02-2153-0310/0311
    Email: ddptour@seouldesign.or.kr)

    Onsite participation Only the remaining seats can participate 10 minutes before operation hours 10:30 (Korean), 13:30 (English), and 15:30 (Korean)

    DDP Museum 1st Floor Tour Desk


    · The DDP architecture tour departs on time, so please arrive at the tour desk on the first floor of the "Museum" building, 10 minutes before the reservation time to prepare in advance.

    · When the reservation time has passed, a tour cannot be offered. (Joining the tour after it started is not available)

    · The tour cannot proceed outside of the designated time.

    · Reselling for profit purposes is strictly restricted by using the free tour program, in that case, future applications are restricted.

    · Wired earphones can be rented during the tour, and for hygiene reasons, if you want to use personal earphones, you can bring them with you. (Only 3.5mm type)

    ※ In case of a lost or damaged device, the repair cost may be charged.

    · · Refer to parking information [DDP homepage ▸DDP introduction▸ How to Get Here ▸ Automobile ▸DDP Parking Lot].(Customer Center of DDP Parking Tel. 02-2153-0141) [Go to parking information]

    · Guiding DDP without a permit from the management can be prohibited by the security team. Be sure to make prior inquiries with the tour desk.

    ※Standards for indoor route in summer
    - Over 30 Celsius
    - Raining
    - Over ‘High-Level’ of UV index
    - Over ‘Bad-Level’ of Yellow Dust, Particles, Ultrafine Particles
    - Issue on special weather report: Heat Wave Warning/ Strong Wind Warning
    The route of tour can be changed by the circumstances such as progress of events, or interior construction, repairing, etc. Please note that, when you make a reservation. (We will inform you before the start of tour. We hope you to understand about the circumstances.)
    - Anyone age of 13 or older (middle school or higher education)
    ※ Elementary school students and younger children must be accompanied by an adult.(1 adult for every 2 children.)
    - The tour accompanied by interpreters can be limited, since the tour program is for an unspecified number of visitors.

    ※Standards for indoor route in winter
    -Under 5 Celsius
    -Snow, freezing rain, sleet
    -Cold wave (advisory/warning)

    ※Foreign language commentary is only available to foreigners who speak a foreign language as their first language.
    - Need to present ID to prove that you are a foreigner
    - Up to two Koreans accompanied by foreigners (1 foreigner and 2 Koreans)
    If a Korean (Korean) visits the site after applying for foreign language commentary, the tour reservation will be canceled.


    Tue.~Sun. 10:00~17:00 (12:00~13:00 Lunch time)



    ※ Replies to telephone inquiries may be delayed due to the operation of a tour.

    ※ For a quick response, inquire via e-mail.