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    2022 Seoul Light DDP
    2022-12-17 ~ 2022-12-31
    222m Entire surface of the outer wall of the west side of DDP
    Operation time
    19:00 ~ 22:00
    Admission Fee
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    2022 Seoul Light DDP

    2022 SEOUL LIGHT DDP Audio Guide Page


    “Designing Life at the Universe beyond the limitless boundary” This 2022, Seoul Light, a super-size media art project containing a new universe created with larger special light, is coming.

    The universe, which used to be perceived as an unknown space and the space of death in the past, is changing as 'the space of possibility' that can be reached in the present time. Under the motif of the external appearance of Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), which is compared to 'a spaceship that landed downtown,' 2022 Seoul Light DDP takes on a journey as imagining 'life in the universe.' It presents various lifestyles and patterns that can be imagined in the universe, as well as a spatial composition, through media projection from the perspective of design and architecture. The value and beauty of the Earth will be rediscovered in the process of imagining a future life through which meetings with alien beings and traveling between the Earth and other planets are possible in the universe. From the perspective of the universe, '2022 Seoul Light DDP,' which leads the expansion of broad-minded thinking, will embroider the sky with fantastic light.

    The main event of '2022 Seoul Light DDP' will offer various programs for visitors from December 17, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

    2022 Seoul Light unveiled the appearance of 'Cosmo Walker D Man' who walks toward life in the universe through Autumn in October. In November, experimental media artworks created by next-generation artists who are preparing for the exploration of the universe will be showcased through the exhibition <Backpacking to the Universe> until January of the following year.

    Main event of 2022 Seoul Light DDP: <Rendez-vous, a meeting with DDP Universe>
    2022.12.17. ~ 2023.1.1. End after New Year's countdown
    222m external wall on the west side of DDP

    Rendez-vous is a French word meaning 'meeting,' but it is also an aviation & aerospace term meaning 'a meeting between two objects navigating in the universe.'
    The 2022 Seoul Light DDP Winter Event expresses the theme of life in the universe as "Rendez-vous, a meeting with the universe."


    It is a meeting plaza situated in downtown Seoul, and citizens will be able to experience the universe through media art at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) where the lines toward the past, present, and future cross at the same time. Seoul Light plans to suggest the universe as the space of limitless possibility through borderless imagination.
    A meeting with artists with proven talent in the fields of art, design, and technology will be presented in a fantastic appearance on the 222m surface of DDP, which is compared to a spaceship that landed downtown.

    First Rendez-vous: Surreal blackhole / Dimensional Movement (by GIANTSTEP)

    Mega-size media art that depicts various colorful visuals of the universe begins a journey with countdown for the start of Rendez-vous spaceship.


    Second Rendez-vous: Fantastic circulating planet in the multi-dimensional circulation (by Nsyme)

    The title of this artwork is Universal Traveler. Literally, it provides a feeling of traveling unknown blackhole, planets, and nebula as each viewer becomes an astronaut. The image of the universe is created with AI.


    Third Rendez-vous: "Childhood" Planet in 2D by BFmin(Team Helloman)

    A super-size media art expresses a heartwarming story of several hello-men who greet their friends at a distance by waving their hand. In the distant universe, they search for their friends on several planets and meet friends.


    <Participating artists>



    Artist Nsyme who is a media artist and a creative technologist experiments on and explores the combination of several images of imaginary sensation and real world through various inputs and outputs. The artist has high interest in exploring and researching the most advanced technology and recreating a natural phenomenon through imitation with algorithm, but aims to offer beautiful auditory and sensuous experiences for visitors by hiding the technological aspect as much as possible. Nsyme's Seoul Light DDP AI-based video was produced with the support of "AI Network" and "Uncommon Gallery."


    Artist BFMIN who is a graffiti artist and an art director has been creating street art in various fields through collaboration with world-class brands such as Cartier and Bulgari and by participating in Guccio’s <Archetype> exhibition. As Korea’s representative graffiti artist, BFMIN participated in <Seoul Design Festival> in 2021 and held three solo exhibitions in 2022.


    2022 Seoul Light DDP Christmas Event: <Not lonely Christmas as being together>
    2022.12.22. ~ 2022.12.25. 19:00~22:00
    222m exterior wall on the west side of DDP

    During December 22-25, 2022, special videos celebrating Christmas will be projected on the external wall of DDP. Warm and merry Christmas videos created by artist Yim Tae Kyu and Sticky Monster Lab will deliver happy Christmas everywhere DDP’s light can reach.
    (*As the season event video, it will be screened interchangeably with the video of the main event 'Rendez-vous' during the period.)

    <Artist Introduction>

    Yim Tae Kyu

    Artist Yim Tae Kyu has been receiving a lot of attention since his debut with his unique artwork. He received the Kumho Young Artist Award from the Kumho Museum of Art as well as the SongEun Art Award and Seoknam Art Award consecutively. Some 150 pieces of artworks by artist Yim Tae Kyu, who is active around the world such as Taiwan, Shanghai, and New York, are collected by overseas art museums. His artworks were adopted and published as covers for textbooks by the State University of New York.

    Sticky Monster Lab

    Sticky Monster Lab is a creativity studio established in 2007 by three members who were active in different fields. After releasing the short animation 'The Monsters' in 2008, the lab set 'Monster' as its identity. It is expressing an imaginary world view of 'Monster' in various yet related methods such as Animation, Graphic, Sculpture, and Product. It is making various attempts by keeping the expandability of 'Monster' contents open.


    2022 Seoul Light DDP New Year Countdown Event: <HELLO 2023, Heartbeat New Year>by BFmin(Team Helloman)
    2022.12.31. 23:45~
    (*Countdown from Dec. 31, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023)
    222m external wall on the west side of DDP

    Countdown artworks will be exhibited to say hello to the coming new year 2023 and to welcome the new year with high expectations. Online live broadcast will be operated to say hello to the new year 2023 with DDP.


    2022 Seoul Light DDP & KIA: <'Opposites United'>
    2022.12.17. ~ 2023.1.1. 20:30~
    222m external wall on the west side of DDP

    By reorganizing the messages of KIA’s designs, which interpret the theme of 2022 Seoul Light DDP’s life in the universe as "a small universe space in mind," abstract images are expressed.


    2022 Seoul Light DDP Forum: <DDP Forum 'Your Dream Space'>
    14:00 Dec. 8, 2022. 14:00 Open Lounge on the 2nd flr. of DDP Design Lab
    Online & offline

    This citizen-participatory forum will be held under the theme of 'In search of a universe in you.' In the fields of media, art, and science, which represent 2022 Seoul Light DDP, various new stories of experts who draw the universe will be presented.


    2022 Seoul Light DDP exhibition of light sculpture : <2023 HIGH! FIVE!>
    2022.12.6. ~ 2023.1.31.
    Near the A3 entrance on the first flr. of DDP Art Hall


    The light sculpture <2023 HIGH! FIVE!>, which depicts the Year of the Tiger 2022 and the Year of the Rabbit 2023 according to the concept of 2022 Seoul Light DDP, will be exhibited near the A3 entrance on the first floor of DDP Art Hall starting December 6. The exhibition presents moments of finishing one year and welcoming the new year through the tiger--which worked very hard in 2022--and the rabbit that will welcome the new year 2023 by exchanging HIGH!FIVE! with each other. The speech balloons on the upper side show a serious conversation between the tiger and the rabbit dynamically.
    This artwork is created through a collaboration with 3D graphic designer BYEONKI (Byun Giwoong). The astronaut characters of the tiger and the rabbit in unique round contours accentuate a cute, cheerful look.


    <Artist Introduction>

    SILO Lab

    SILO Lab is an Interactive Media Art Group established by artists in the fields of engineering, design, and videos. It produces "space and perception" into art with light.
    SILO Lab provides media art that can be personally experienced by viewers. It dismantles the boundary between technology and art through collaboration with partner companies while crossing various fields. It participated in collaboration for Lighting Installation with cooperative companies such as CGV, Netflix, NIKE, and Hyundai Department Store, in addition to music videos by using projection mapping technology with musicians, Cymatics Art & Brand Ad with SK Innovation, and hologram outdoor advertisement with Porsche.


    게시요청자 : 전시2팀 김형곤 선임

